快來看看你有沒有密集恐懼症【最後一張 你會受不了!】
Bose Wave® Music System III | Bose - Bose - Better Sound Through Research所謂的密集恐懼症,簡單的說就是看到很多東西密集的排列再一起會感覺到噁心、想吐、頭暈......等等不舒服的症狀 現在趕緊來測試一下吧! 先從簡單的開始 還撐得住嗎? 再來是進階版Explore the Bose Wave music system III. This versatile music system that plays CDs, FM/AM radio and (with accessories) can add BLUETOOTH devices into the mix. ... Wake up to convenience Addicted to the snooze control? We've made it easy enough to ......