Bose Wave® Music System III | Bose - Bose - Better Sound Through Research之前我們討論過惡魔果實能力哪家強的話題,今天就來討論一下非惡魔果實能力者們的戰力吧!小編先提名幾位候選人。 【熱門候選】 ★海軍英雄卡普 (圖片翻攝自toutiao) 這個不用多說,傳奇人物! ★雷利 (圖片翻攝自toutiao) 魯夫的霸氣老師,會三種霸氣,真是霸氣十足! ★鷹眼米霍克 (圖片翻攝Explore the Bose Wave music system III. This versatile music system that plays CDs, FM/AM radio and (with accessories) can add BLUETOOTH devices into the mix. ... Wake up to convenience Addicted to the snooze control? We've made it easy enough to ......