BossArea - Boss CE-2 Chorus 網友David Kuo將影片上傳,指馬路上遇到一輛逆向的相當自然的轎車... David Kuo說:「原來遇到馬路三寶是這種感覺啊!無所不在,沒有極限,世界奇觀,就在台灣,有點新奇,有點緊張,還好沒出什麼大事。」 網友回應: CE-2 Chorus The CE-2 was the first compact pedal chorus from Boss. The CE-1 was released 1976 and contained the exact same circuit as the Roland Jazz Chorus JC-120 Amp. The CE-2 builds on the legacy of the CE-1 but isn't identical. The middle ......