Herschel SUPPLY CO. 2014 春夏系列新款錢包正式上市
BossArea - Boss CE-3 Chorus近日,加拿大包袋品牌Herschel SUPPLY CO. 推出了2014 春夏系列新款錢包。以迷彩、斑點、波點、斑馬紋等為主要設計元素,這一系列錢包考慮到不同收納需求而帶來了多種可選款式,整體豐富的配色也帶出春夏之季的時尚感。 目前這一系列已正式上市,感興趣的同學可以到品牌線上商店看看。【本文出處CE-3 Chorus The CE-2 doesn't have a stereo output so the CE-3 was made, perhaps more as a replacement for the CE-1. The CE-3 have adjustments for depth and rate, just like the CE-2, but supports in addition a stereo output. Having two outputs gives ......