Boss Coffee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia【台北訊】資深媒體人呂文婉受公視《誰來晚餐》邀請,帶女兒白獻融一起拜訪在澎湖南端離島虎井生活的翁祥軒一家人。呂文婉原本是新聞記者,2011年開始轉戰名嘴,因其談話風格麻辣又犀利,曾被媒體封為「名嘴四大金釵」之一,近年來試圖轉型從商,較少出現在螢光幕前。本集將於週五(10/13)晚間9點在公視頻道播出Boss (ボス, Bosu?) is a brand name of canned and plastic bottled coffee and coffee-flavored beverages sold by Suntory in Japan. It was released in 1992 and is one of many brands of Japanese canned coffee. Boss is known for its aggressive campaigns using a j...