辣妹相機遭海浪捲走 一年後奇蹟找回且照片完好
Boss Coffee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 在度假時很容易一個分神就掉東西,可能因處在放假的悠閒狀態,編輯也很會在這時落東落西 ; 而通常掉了後,就抱著不會找到的念頭,但這位來自加拿大的女孩卻在一年後找回被大海沖走的相機,更神奇的在後頭…照片居然一張都沒少! 來自加拿大的艾蜜莉還是一位學生,藉著假期Boss (ボス, Bosu?) is a brand name of canned and plastic bottled coffee and coffee-flavored beverages sold by Suntory in Japan. It was released in 1992 and is one of many brands of Japanese canned coffee. Boss is known for its aggressive campaigns using a j...