boss dd 20 review

Boss DD-20 Giga Delay Pedal Review / Demo - YouTube 女友在玩湯姆貓,她對著湯姆貓“啊”了十多秒, 湯姆貓也張著大嘴啊了半天​​, 我問女友:“這是什麼意思啊?” 女友說:“我想數數湯姆貓長了幾顆牙。”This my review / demo of the Boss DD-20 Giga Delay Pedal. Overall a great pedal, but is it worth $239 for a delay pedal? Well, Yes and No. This a pro musicians delay pedal. If you are getting paid to play, then it is an investment. If you are a teenager i...


BOSS RE-20 Space Echo In-Depth Review - YouTube我當住院醫的時候 有兩個男學生rotate到我們系上很巧的是,他們有一樣的last name "Gxxxxxx"   所以我就戲稱年紀大的為PAPA G年紀小的為BABY G有趣的是,PAPA G各子嬌小,而BABY G是個>180cm 的白人壯漢   -------------This is a full in-depth review of the BOSS RE-20 Space Echo delay pedal. Evan used a Gibson SG Custom for the demo. Skip to part three if you want to hear it in action. Section links: Introduction: 0:00 Part One - Background: 0:45 Part Two - Back Panel: 2...

全文閱讀 Boss DD-3 Digital Delay Pedal: Everything Else和表弟去澡堂泡澡,到二樓休息大廳,來了一個妹妹問我:需要服務嗎? 我敏感的問了句:都有什麼? 妹妹說:我什麼都會 表弟在旁邊回了句:那你給我表演個魔術吧! I thought i would write a review for this pedal, and i also thought i would cover why in the world would you want a delay pedal with almost no features!? So, if you are not a seasoned musician and maybe even if you are, you might be looking at this pedal ...


Boss DD-7 Digital Delay Guitar Effects Pedal | Musician's Friend早上起來老公想偷懶不疊被子,指著我的肚子問:「寶貝,今天誰疊被子啊?」 接著老公腦殘的學小孩子說話:「我疊,我疊。」 然後給我說:「老婆,你看咱倆寶貝都說他疊,也就是由你代勞。」 我滿臉黑線的告訴他:我說你聽錯了吧,寶貝說的是'我爹,我爹!'   Great Pedal. I had tried this pedal after getting an exceptional deal on one after my vintage Memory Man collapsed on me, and I needed a second delay on my board with go with my Memory...Read complete review I had tried this pedal after getting an excepti...


Boss DD-7 Digital Delay Guitar Effects Pedal | Guitar Center還記得一次在餐館吃飯,對面坐倆美女偷偷瞄著我竊竊私語的,然後其中一個朝我走來問,:「請問這有人坐嗎?」 我一聽立刻來了精神,裝作淡定的回答:「沒有」 誰知她接著說:「沒有的話,我把你這餐具拿走啦...」   Great delay, with a lot of different uses This pedal may not be the most versatile of all delay pedals or the biggest, but it certainly fills all requirements. The analog delay perfectly gets this warm sorta tone and it sounds like...Read complete review ...


Boss DD-500 Digital Delay Guitar Effects Pedal | Guitar Center有一天一小孩哭著回家對麻麻說:今天老師打我了! 麻麻安慰他:別哭。隨後又問為什麼打他。 小孩說:老師問我三乘八等多少? 我說:等於二十四。 麻麻說:對呀! 小孩又說了:老師又問我八乘以三等於多少 小孩麻麻說了:這他媽的不是一樣嗎! 小孩說:我就是這樣說的....   Comments about Boss DD-500 Digital Delay Guitar Effects Pedal: This unit does not measure up to my expectations. I've owned the Boss DD-20 Gigadelay for going on 10 years. It's a fabulous unit. The DD-500 was supposed to be an upgrade. Sure it has a nice ...
