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BossArea - Boss OD-2 TURBO OverDrive 光說70年代當紅樂團「金髮美女」(Blondie)的暢銷名曲《Heart of Glass》,可能還不熟悉,但如果說這是Miranda Kerr在2014春夏H&M廣告的背景音樂,可能馬上就有人有印象。 固然原唱樂團已經不那麼好請,瑞典國民大牌打出名模牌,請來巴西名模吉賽兒邦臣(Gisele BüOD-2 TURBO OverDrive The OD-2 was created as a replacement for the OD-1 in the mid 1980s. The OD-1 was already legendary so following up to it was in impossible task. The design goal was to create a pedal with two modes. In mode one its sound ......