85.7 民眾可接受另一半為外籍人士
BossArea - Boss PS-2 Digital Pitch Shifter/Delay 根據內政部統計處統計結果,103年國人結婚登記數為14萬9,287對,其中外籍配偶占13.2%,顯示外籍配偶在我國占有一部分比例,在外籍配偶愈漸成為國人另一半的選擇時,而民眾是否又可以接受另一半為外籍人士呢?Pollster波仕特線上市調網於2015/1/27(二)針對民眾對「外籍配偶PS-2 Digital Pitch Shifter/Delay The PS-2 was the first pitch shifter made by Boss and one of the first pedals with dual boards. It works both as a pitch shifter and a digital delay and it is perhaps surprising that it doesn't use the same chip as the DD-...