BossArea - Boss PS-6 Harmonist 大家期待的萬聖節不僅僅有狂歡派對,各種整人的恐怖計畫也在如火如荼的進行中…網路上就出現了許多「驚悚惡作劇」影片,如果自己在現場,真的會被嚇壞阿! 這些惡作劇的團隊選在人煙稀少的停車場、車庫等等地方,一位男子扮演被嚴重肢解的被害者、另一位則是人人懼怕的「電鋸PS-6 Harmonist The PS-6 marks a return of the Harmonist name to the compact pedal range. The PS-6s features will be familar to users of the PS-5 but each mode has more settings and a wider spectrum of sounds. The PS-6 has 4 modes - Harmony ......