What is a Horse Bot Fly or Bot Egg - Removing from Horses - Rick Gore Horsemanship - YouTube 蛋炒飯、煎餅果子、蛋撻、蛋糕 ...餓嗎? 作為吃貨,我只想說蛋簡直就是美食之源!!! 蛋似!你知不知道世界上最大的蛋究竟長啥樣?! 就是它! 非洲巨型鴕鳥蛋!!! 你瞧這貨,放在雞蛋旁邊就像個隕石。比上期&ldquo Here I show what bot eggs look like on a horse and how and why you should remove them. Below is a link to my site where I have a picture of a horse's stomach that shows what a bot worm looks like when it gets insid...