Bot - League of Legends Wiki - Champions, Items, Strategies, and many more!你們一定有看過這樣的戲劇場情,太太將要生產,痛的死去活來,先生在一旁不知所措,無法分擔心愛太太的痛苦,著急的走來走去,陣痛來臨時,太太便指著先生,脫口而出的說:都是你都是你,讓我這樣的罪魁禍首就是你…,不陌生的劇情吧?!先生無從辯解起,上天讓女人背負生子的責任與本能,男人實在力不從心,The term Bot in League of Legends refers to computer controlled opponent (AI - Artificial... ... Rammus Adding Bots To add a bot into a practice game, you must first be the creator or the host of the game. Then, click the "Add Bot" button on the right of ...