Front of the Class - Brad Cohen - Class Performance 1969年,《花花公子》拍了一組女人坐姿(大腿)的照片,這本來沒啥,但是他們認為,通過觀察女人的坐姿(大腿),你不僅可以瞭解她的性格特徵,還可以用下面的知識武裝自己,成功泡妞。女生也可以利用這樣的知識要麼向對方暗示要麼避免對方誤解。 以下節選自《花花公子》 臨床心理醫生JBrad Cohen -Nationally Recognized Teacher, Award Winning Author, 'Front of the Class' Hallmark Hall of Fame Movie, and Motivational speaker ... Brad Cohen Tourette Foundation It is Brad’s goal to make a difference one day at a time. This is why he started...