Exercise, Games, Puzzles Don't Prevent Signs of Alzheimer's in the Brain: Study: MedlinePlus老公這天提早下班,他回到家,赫然看到老婆衣衫不整坐在桌上,而且喘息得很厲害… 老公緊張的問:「老婆,你怎麼了?」 老婆:「我剛剛心臟病發作,很難過,才會把衣服弄得這麼亂…」 老公馬上跑出去正準備去找醫生時,在門口遇到了兒子…&nWEDNESDAY, June 10, 2015 (HealthDay News) -- Physical and mental activity don't appear to prevent the brain from developing the telltale beta-amyloid deposits that are a hallmark of Alzheimer's disease, a new study suggests. "While it was hoped that early...