銳氣無人敵 Cara Delevingne 與 Kate Moss 將為Burberry合體
Bran Stark - Game of Thrones Wiki 從2011年出道以來,已經有無數人拿名模Cara Delevingne和Kate Moss相比較。都出身英國,行徑都有點瘋狂,也都是老佛爺Karl Lagerfeld的心頭肉。而在上過同本雜誌,出席同一個派對,走過同一場秀之後,現在兩人終於為英國經典品牌Burberry即將在秋天推出的新香水共同出Brandon Stark, commonly called Bran, is a major character in the first, second, third, fourth... ... Summer defends a comatose Bran. During Robert's visit Bran goes exploring. While climbing a decrepit tower, he catches the king's wife, Queen Cersei, and ...