Breaking the Habit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia文章取自微信公眾號:卡娃微卡(kawa01) 男人寵愛你時,你在他面前哪怕像個孩子一樣任性不懂事,他也不會對你表現出厭煩的情緒,更不會說你一句不好,反而覺得你也有孩童般可愛的一面。 可是,一旦男人不再喜歡你,你做什麼,他都看不順眼,打從心裡排斥你、厭惡你。從此,他看不慣你"Breaking the Habit" is a song by American rock band Linkin Park. It is the ninth track from their second studio album Meteora and was released as the fifth and final single from the album. It became the fifth consecutive single from Meteora to reach #1 o...