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Britax B-Agile 4 (Black Thunder): BabyThe B-Agile 4 is designed to make parenting simpler and safer Britax B-Agile 4 features. view larger Any parent who's tried holding their baby and folding up a buggy at the same time will tell you it's no picnic, which makes the B-Agile 4's simple one-han...


媽媽寶寶親子 - 請問Amazon 上賣的 Britax B-Agile Stroller - 女性討論區 - Mobile01打死我都不撿.... B-Agile如上連結 他是特價嗎? 我看她好像可以直運台灣 不知道價格多少... ... 本來也有考慮這台, 不過後來選了歐版Britax 的B-Smart。 Amazon的送貨真是快很多, 我8/8在德國網站下訂,...
