
Brite Divinity School - Official Site複合式店鋪 Dover Street Market 紐約店,又發表了一樣限定商品,請來潮流混血女模 Adrianne Ho詮釋,這個由川久保玲 COMME des GARÇONS 與 Nike結合的限量球衣,點點的設計相當亮眼,也結合運動服飾的科技材質,售價美金$250Brite Divinity School educates women and men to lead in the ministry of Christ’s church, the academy and public life as witnesses to God’s reconciling and transforming love and ......

全文閱讀 日本潮流品牌 Deluxe,走的是美式懷舊風格,最新一季 Fall/Winter 推出相當帥氣的單品、豹紋棒球外套,結合衣袖的皮革設計,再搭配內裡的豹紋細節,兼具復古以及潮流,細節滿點,值得細細品味。【本文出處,更多精采內容請上;JUKSY官方粉絲團。如欲轉載,UNLEASHING THE POWER OF BIOTECH AT NCCU North Carolina Central University is home to one of the newest and most innovative biotechnology educational initiatives in the country and the only formal biotech degree program offered by a North Carolina ......


BRITE-Constellation - Universität Wien 本次JUKSY 與Survival、Hometown 三方聯合,共同邀請多位名人來跟大家分享覺得最Sick的事!!! Survival與Hometown是兩個文化差異頗大的潮流品牌,此次他們共同合作­並預告「WE SICK」聯名企劃!「WE SICK」即病態之意,由光明及黑暗概念來交織衍生,此理念BRITE-Constellation - Universität Wien...


BRITE: Boston university Representative Internet Topology gEnerator 美國百年丹寧褲品牌 Levi’s,以單車以及戶外運動為考量的球新系列、LEVI’S COMMUTER,推出最新 Spring/Summer 2014. 作品,依舊以機能性以及方便單車運動為考量,在材質上大大使用防水材質,並增添許多機能性考量,讓你騎車也可以一樣的有型。 【本文出BRITE is no longer supported by its developers, but questions can be asked on the brite-users mailing list. Effective engineering of the Internet is predicated upon a detailed understanding of issues such as the large-scale structure of its underlying phy...


Brite :: Welcome 來自美國舊金山的本土潮牌 Chrome Industries,最為人知的就是符合人體工學的大型郵差包了,另外還有單車服飾及鞋款也同樣受到歡迎,最新一季商品當中,採用了當紅的迷彩布料設計,以Reflective Camo “2nd Issue” 為題,設計出一系列商品,不減機能性考量,帥氣依舊。【本Brite :: Welcome...
