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Brompton Bicycle - Official Site 到底是誰教你這樣追女生的... viaDesigners and makers of the Brompton folding bike ... Each Brompton is handmade in London with many customisable parts to make it perfect for you. Its ability to fold into a small, portable package make the Brompton ideal for city living....


Brompton Bicycle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 洗澡在這些國家是有「特殊」含義的...... 洗澡對於這些國家來說不只是為了乾淨身體,他們會在洗澡過程中進行一些讓人匪夷所思的詭異活動..... 日本:流行「浴池約會」裸體相親 即使在共浴已有百多年歷史的日本,秩父酒店迎接客人時說的話也叫人吃驚。酒店經理會說:「要不要到我們露天『約會浴』泡一泡?我Brompton Bicycle is a manufacturer of folding bicycles based in Brentford, London. The Brompton folding bicycle and accessories are the company's core product, noted for its self-supporting compact size when stored. All available models of the folding bic...


小徑與摺疊車 - 用態度堅持生活…帶著你的「BROMPTON」進來吧!! - 單車討論區 - Mobile01 就算是男女朋友也不可以這樣啊!!偶爾顧一下形象嘛... via各位BROMPTON的愛好者:請不吝的貼上你的小布或有關BROMPTON的一切都可以在這討論..... ... 我也是6月的準車主(M3L清漆、白),從3月訂到現在真是有夠漫長,等待期間還買了台Birdy intego來騎,目前個人預計會先更換BROOKS FOR Brompton 的專用 ......


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