Brown Eyed Girls' Video "Sixth Sense" or How the Elite Controls Opposition客座總編輯高山峰:夫妻相處之道! 真心謝謝Okinawa帶給我們的美好時光 作者:文.圖╱高山峰 各位媽媽寶寶的讀者大家好,我是高山峰,擔任本期客座總編輯,2天前,我正為這一期的文章主題傷透腦筋,就在我陷入不知從何下筆的囧境時,我那聰慧明理萬事好商量的太太開金口了:「何不寫寫你的夫妻相處之道?」 我An analysis of the occult symbolism in KPOP video "Sixth Sense" by Brown Eyed Girls ... What exactly is the “Sixth Sense”? Judging by the lyrics of the song and the symbolism of the video, it is sexual energy – the most basic and primal of human instincts...