Brown Eyed Baker | Sweet. Savory. Sinful.說個今天我和老媽的事。我準備結婚了,但還沒有買家具, 老媽趁老婆不在的時候跟我說不能買一米八大的床,要買一米五的, 說怕以後我們倆個吵架了晚上睡覺床太大各睡各的, 小點的床還好哄點,我只想說老媽你太天真了, 你覺得吵架了我還能睡床嗎? A baking-centric food blog with over 1,000 recipes that include original photography. ... Happy 4th of July! I love summer holiday weekends… the smell of charcoal, the long days, the flicker of lightning bugs as the sun starts to set… there’s so much to l...