Bruce Springsteen - Official Site 最黑科技 還沒有喝過鼎鼎有名的blk黑水?! 那就太low了 不是包裝黑哦~~ 是水本身是黑色 雖然透着陣陣邪惡陰暗氣息 但它卻對人體有百利而無一害 說得如此神秘莫非它就是那瓶?! 沒錯,它就是來自美國 紅遍了instagram 成為了時尚、Bruce Springsteen’s The Album Collection Vol. 1 1973-1984 are available today as individual 12″ vinyl titles for Record Store Day 2015. The albums are newly remastered editions of the first seven albums recorded and released by Bruce Springsteen for Colum...