brz sti parts

Official: Subaru BRZ with STI Performance Parts日前,在茶山大學城讀大二的小李遇到了鬱悶事, 因為自己受室友所託代玩了幾分鐘遊戲,不料和其餘幾名隊友起了衝突, 更沒想到第二天對方四人分別從上海和杭州等地趕到溫州, 向小李討要“解決辦法”時暴打了小李一頓。 4月1日晚9點多,小李在寢室內看電影, 而室友小嚴則和高中Subaru has revealed a BRZ sports car with concept sports kit at the Australian International Motor Show. The car features a range of Subaru Tecnica International (STI) and performance parts and accessories, that are likely to be on sale soon. The catalogu...


Subaru BRZ STI Performance Concept (2015)時尚沒有像想像中那麼好懂!     你永遠不會懂時尚大師的腦袋是怎麼運作的,時尚總是能給人處處驚喜呢! 是說我覺得熊頭掛身上的其實...蠻可愛的啊!!      Subaru of America, Inc. unveiled the STI Performance Concept at the 2015 New York International Auto Show. The STI Performance Concept signifies a plan for U.S.-expansion of Subaru Tecnica International (STI), the performance division of Subaru, in its th...


2015 Subaru BRZ Price and STI Body Parts - ZerCustoms - Car News貼吧超火神帖 蘇州網友 Jcff76222 前陣子發了一帖: 【身材重要還是長相重要,論:我的女友】 大方秀出女友照,網友紛紛表示hold不住啊...   小編:尼馬!眼睛都要瞎了!2015 Subaru BRZ Price and STI Body Parts: Subaru announced today the 2015 BRZ's price list and a special edition of the same model, called the Series.Blue. Th...
