brz ts

Forbidden Fruit: 2014 Subaru BRZ tS - Luxury Car news, reviews, spy shots, photos, and videos - Moto 男人不壞,女人不愛 難道女人都是受虐狂嗎?其實,女人只是不喜歡那些刻板、笨拙、沒有情趣的傢伙。相對而言,「壞」的男人有意思一點。但這個「壞」應該是有特殊含義的,就是那種舊式電影裡的女主角含羞轉身,拿手指戳了一下男主角的腦袋:「你這個人,真壞!」 真正的壞男人是很可怕的,聰明的女Following the reveal of the Subaru’s BRZ tS concept car a fortnight ago, the Japanese automaker has now launched the production version, though sadly the car is only offered in the automaker’s home market. But what exactly is the BRZ tS? It’s simply a ver...


Subaru BRZ tS Concept Isn’t The BRZ STI We Were All Hoping For 什麼男人該換?1.他每次犯的錯都一樣,而且他犯的次數愈多,你的負面反應也愈強烈。 2.他說謊的技巧很差,而你拆穿謊言的本領高強,而且這些謊言是有傷害性的。 3.他是個好男人,但是不適合你,你跟他在一起時,腦子里卻在想別人。 4.你很愛他,什麼缺點都無所謂,但是你的周遭親近的人好像都不喜歡他。5.他It may be wearing STI badges, but the car featured here isn’t the fabled BRZ STI we were all hoping for when teaser images of an STI-badged BRZ appeared on Subaru’s website over the weekend. This car is actually a concept that previews some mild performan...


The Subaru BRZ tS: Better Handling For Your Pleasure 初戀的階段,每個週末他開車載著她,以逃離城市的心情,訪遍山巔水涯。她的生命,追隨他的方向盤,向不同的地方擴展。 海港邊的小鎮、廢棄的山城、森林裡幾乎被世間遺忘部落... 原來,愛情,可以到得了這麼遠的地方。她想。   熱戀以後,每個週末,他們開始煩惱:究竟要去什麼地方? 海港邊Here it is, ladies and gentlemen: the Subaru BRZ tS, the car we were kind of hoping would be some sort of insane turbocharged BRZ STI. Actually, it was developed by Subaru's STI division, but more power isn't on the table. Instead, according to Subaru, th...


2015 Subaru BRZ tS First Drive [w/video] - Autoblog - We Obsessively Cover the Auto Industry  許多人往往在抉擇伴侶時,容易東想西想,不知所措,就是因為害怕一時做錯決定,看錯人,造成終生的遺憾。         諾貝爾文學獎得主蕭伯納說:「此時此刻在地球上,約有兩萬個人適合當你的人生伴侶,就看你先遇到Subaru tells us that a car like the JDM BRZ tS will mak its way to the US soon. We drive it at Suzuka Circuit to see if it can sate our STI longing....


SUBARU BRZ tS Impression 1 - YouTube 現在,有「黃昏市場」逐漸受到歡迎,因為很多上班婦女,都利用下班後,才到黃昏市場買菜。 秀卿,她不是賣菜的,但她卻在黃昏市場裡「賣衣服」﹔雖然在那兒賣衣服的利潤不高,但秀卿的人緣好,薄利多銷,所以也賺了不少錢。 其實,秀卿賣衣服的生意好,還有一項原因是,她的聲音很甜美,人也長得很可愛、經常笑嘻嘻的;SUBARU BRZ tuned by STI. SUBARU BRZ tSオフィシャルWEBサイト


2015 Subaru BRZ tS Tuned by STI Driven - AUTOMOBILE         ● 如何讓自己的愛情加分?   *為生活創造更多的樂趣。 例如,約會的地點可多選擇,不要老是去那幾個地方;從每天相同的事務中,做點變化,或突然給對方一個驚喜。 *不要天天都在一起比較好。 天天見面雖然可解相思之苦,但偶爾短暫的分開,We've been given the keys to a 2015 Subaru BRZ tS with a great big carbon-fiber wing and lots of little STI stickers. See what we do with it next on this first drive here....
