BENZ 將新增三款前驅車型,擴編前驅家族
Oxford Brookes BSc | ACCA Global Benz 日前表示,將在MFA前驅平台模組中,另外新增三款車型,達成共計八款車型的計畫。據外媒猜測,新一代前驅家族,除了新一代A-Class 五門掀背,也將會包含A-Classs Sedan 四門房車車款,並且A-Class 預估將可能推出長軸車型。 同樣Find out more about applying for the Oxford Brookes BSc (Hons) in Applied Accounting. ... Your first degree of success ACCA and Oxford Brookes University have worked together to develop a BSc (Hons) Degree in Applied Accounting, which is available ......