「No pain, No game」 【ナノ Nano】PV (Btooom! OP) With Lyrics - YouTube 妳幸運中了大獎,有輛車供你隨意選擇,你會選哪種車呢?1.鮮黃色的旅行車 2.白色的箱型車 3.紅色的敞篷跑車 4.藍色的轎跑車選好答案再往下看測驗結果:1.鮮黃色的旅行車鮮黃色的旅行車。哇哦,會選擇這麽明亮顔色的你,個性應該十分開朗。屬於行動派的你希望他是個有點兒像朋-Sorry for the audio quality, it was the only way to get this video up without any problems-- So this song is a very special one to me. I first heard it while watching Btooom! and it is absolutely excellent. I think the lyrics in this song are incredible,...