韓國校園美腿篇閃瞎我的狗眼了...好美(流口水ing 妹子
Bug-Out Survival 真心的覺得美腿是最無往不利的武器,只要有一雙美腿,胸部臉蛋拋腦後了!!! 韓國校園風 美腿篇~ 記得之前和日本朋友因為實在無法理解韓國為什麼有這麼多美腿存在,好奇問了周遭的朋友(但問到的剛好是男生),他們說大家在高中時都很努力準備考試上大學沒在管外表,後來上了大學之後再拼命減肥,腿才這麼細吧!(但This is a quick note to let all my readers of Bug Out Survival know that the third installment of the ongoing series that began with The Pulse is my next book coming down the pipeline. Voyage After the Collapse is available for preorder on Amazon now (Kin...