如何正確接吻? 老照片指南告訴你
Amazon.com: Giant Building Block 40-piece Set: Toys & Games▲美國老牌雜誌《生活雜誌》(《LIFE》)在1942年就已推行一組「正確接吻指南」(How to kiss),教你如何接吻。(圖/翻攝自BoredPanda)接吻和戀愛一樣,聽起來容易,實際上卻是需要多加練習,你以為你的接吻方式對了嗎?國外網站《BoredPanda》告訴你,這些接吻方式是錯的,並附Little ones with a knack for building and creative play will be drawn to these lightweight and durable cardboard building blocks. A staple item in many preschools, this set can spark endless imaginative play as children build large, life-size structures. ...