Bulk Upload Inventory Actions | ChannelAdvisor Strategy & Support Center 翻拍自微信熱文(下同) 便利貼除了方便用來記錄事情,或是傳遞信息以外,它在電影《單身男女》中更是充當月老,讓花心的古天樂用它來追求在對面大樓上班的高圓圓。由此可知,便利貼除了單純的記事外,還能用來與對面大樓的人交流。 最近,紐約堅尼街上的兩棟辦公大樓的員工,展開了一場便利貼大戰。目前Create a spreadsheet that contains the ID(s) on which you want to act in the first column (this can include a SKU or an Ad ID), and the bulk action command that you would like to perform in the second column. After submitting your upload file, the process...