Bump N' Grind - Oak Mountain State Park 一喜歡“遠交近攻”的女人。 有一種女人,當你遠遠欣賞她的時候,她的行為舉止很得體,溫柔大方,明理識趣。她和還沒有成為好朋友的陌生人或者一般人交往的時候,說話語言文明,舉止溫柔大方,待人寬容大度,表現嫵媚可愛。會給人留下很好的印象。然而,你不能和她走得更加親近,如果你成了她的The BUMP N Grind is in the books! We lucked out and the weather was great all weekend. We want to thank all our volunteers, sponsors, and riders – BUMP N Grind wouldn’t happen without you! Results for BUMP N Grind XXI are here: http://www.bumpngrindrace ....