Play Bush Whacker 2 | Armor Games有一對老夫妻,老王與王嫂,到拉斯維加斯渡假。老王一直很想要一雙真正的牛仔靴,所以當他發現有一雙牛仔靴正在拍賣時,他便毫不猶豫地買下來,馬上穿上它。 老王很自豪地走回旅館去,一進房門就對老婆說: 「你看我哪裡不一樣?」王嫂看了看,說道:「沒有。」老王很興奮地說:「別這樣,老婆,看仔Bush Whacker 2 is a mix of adventure and RPG. Taking place in the magical lands of Bush Whacker where (apparently) anything your heart desires can be obtained by taking a sword to the nearby bushes. Win gems, gold, magic and power! Complete the puzzles to...