Play Bush Whacker 2 | Armor Games 所有人都在使用的臉書已經成為展現自我以及交友的工具,但卻也常常讓人陷入恐慌,尤其是在戀愛的時候,你是否也曾不斷刷新臉書,只為看見意中人的更新訊息?要小心對臉書太依賴可是會造成依存症! 1.在調查前,其實你已經知道答案如果發現約會對象或是感興趣的另一半用臉書分享了和女性的親密照片,你是否會很想知道他Bush Whacker 2 is a mix of adventure and RPG. Taking place in the magical lands of Bush Whacker where (apparently) anything your heart desires can be obtained by taking a sword to the nearby bushes. Win gems, gold, magic and power! Complete the puzzles to...