Shrub - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia一個週末,我到一個博物館去參觀,一時人有三急,便跑到男廁所裡。到了那裡,我砰地一聲把小間鎖上,解開褲子,就準備方便。突然,隔壁的小間裡,傳來了一個男人的問話:「喂,夥計,你好嗎?」我通常是不在男廁所和其他男人搭話的,但是那天不知道怎的,就隨口答道,「還好。」 正當我集中精力、全神貫注地要做我應當作的A shrub is a small to medium sized woody plant. It is distinguished from a tree by its multiple stems and shorter height, usually under 6 m (20 ft) tall. Plants of many species may grow either into shrubs or trees, depending on their growing conditions. S...