Suit (clothing) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 右照,高顏值加強版 迷彩蛻變,我的女神 巾幗不讓鬚眉 騷年的華麗轉身 騷年的華麗轉身 從小男人到真爺們的蛻變 從一個活生生的非主流變成了爺們有木有 有肌肉才是王道 這個小G 真的好喜歡 變身是可以這樣完成的 再一次見證男孩兒到男人的蛻變 中間那張真是帥的一比啊有木有 瘦弱男變身 軍裝一上In clothing, a suit is a set of garments made from the same cloth, usually consisting of at least a jacket and trousers. Lounge suits (also known as business suits when sober in colour and style), which originated in Britain as country wear,[1] are the mo...