蠢到不行!這7個史上「最廢建築作品」的人應該早就被開除了吧! 5 這難道是「小王專用躲老公陽台」?!
Abercrombie Wants Thin Customers - Business Insider ▲事前規畫失敗的建築設計。(source : 今日頭條手機攝影大全,下同) 建築設計是需要非常精密計算的技術,差之毫釐、失之千里,僅是一點點的失誤就可能造成完全不同的結果。根據頭條號主手機攝影大全報導,以下就整理出7個超蠢的建築設施,這些建築師應該早被開除了吧。 #1 除了排水口的地Teen retailer Abercrombie & Fitch doesn't stock XL or XXL sizes in women's clothing because they don't want overweight women wearing their brand. They want the "cool kids," and they don't consider plus-sized women as being a part of that group. Abercrombi...