but you didn't

In Case You Didn't Know - Official Site   免費的紐西蘭最大漢堡   漢堡是紐西蘭人比較常吃的一種主食,也是大家比較喜愛的食物,方便,快速,有肉又有菜。 紐西蘭有一家餐館推出了一款 2 公斤的大漢堡,並且打出標語: 30 分鐘內吃完者,就可以免費! 於是很多人都前來嘗試了。       Nathan Fillion and Stana Katic were forced into couples counseling Dlisted Anna Duggar is the saddest Duggar Fishwrapper Chelsea Handler is up to her old topless Hijinx Celebslam I can’t believe Shemar Moore is 46 ASL Tracy Anderson is NOT into “a light ....


12 Things You Didn't Know About Romania | Travel Away   紐西蘭懷卡托地區Tribal Huk 黑幫的老大講話了:毒品對懷卡托的年輕人影響太壞了,四分之三的青年都和毒品有關係,這種情況必須要改變了! 我決定,到本周五下午6 點半為止,給你們24 小時時間,所有的毒販都要從懷卡托滾出去!如果不走的話,後果自負!     &October 24th 2013, 3:43 PM I’ve done my share of research on Romania and even learned quite a bit more when I spent 10 days there in September, but there were things listed here that I didn’t know and wish I had before my visit. Oh well, now I have even M...


Ten Things You Didn’t Know about Jehovah’s Witnesses. | Michigan Skeptics Association   還記得《玩命關頭》系列電影中那一幕幕驚險刺激的追車大戰嗎? 紐西蘭南島就上演了一部公路競速動作大片,不止其追逐精彩程度不遜色於好萊塢大片,關鍵這部大片拍攝時間創下了歷史紀錄:追車的換了3 波,花了近16 個小時,追了700 多公里,差點把南島跑遍才將司機一舉拿下…&heTen Things You Didn’t Know about Jehovah’s Witnesses. In the aftermath of several recent stories about Jehovah’s Witnesses, including the Candace Conti pedophilia court case and the DVD that launched the Sparlock Meme, I have been invited to do a series o...


10 things you probably didn’t know about the Dutch and the Netherlands :: Daily Candor   今天一大早,紐西蘭南島城市但尼丁又發生了一起公然干擾社會秩序的惡性事件!   無論是步履匆匆的上班族,還是氣喘吁吁的跑步者,在經過市中心的一條街道時,都不得不繞道而行! 因為紐西蘭著名的路霸再次出山,公然躺在道路中間賴著不走,敢怒不敢言的群眾們只得紛紛繞行…&498 Comments » I find it very offending that when people know one dutch person theyn think they know them all. Like how people don’t know the difference between Holland and the Netherlands, well I don’t know about the person they asked by obviously they w...


We Didn't Start The Fire - Ye Li ▲可愛的動物們到底在說些什麼呢?你知道嗎?(sourse : boredpanda,下同) 大家都喜歡可愛的小動物吧?不只是汪星人跟喵星人,世界上充滿著許許多多可愛的生物,但你知道他們在說些什麼嗎?根據boredpanda分享,藝術家theycantalkcomic描繪了許多可愛動物們的對話內容,Change Log 8-7-12 19.38 million! 8-10-11 18 million! 4-29-11 Click on the lyrics or pictures to learn more about them from Wikipedia! 1-14-11 Improved play controls, for everyone trying to learn the lyrics =) To save a copy for offline viewing, just follo...


Three Things You Didn't Know about the Main Reiki Symbols - Reiki Rays原文出處:萌咩誌 作者:CCSX 漫畫家三月從2014年開始連載的四格輕鬆漫畫《ひなこのーと》, 將由《六花的勇者》動畫幕後金三角: 高橋丈夫(總監督)、喜多幡徹(監督)、浦畑達彦(編劇), 搭配植田和幸(人設)共同帶領「パッショーネ」公司製播電視動畫版。 ▲隨著首張海報與六大女主角聲優於平安夜發表A distance attunement will work whether you feel it or not. Many people don’t feel them. Perhaps if you know you are getting a distance attunement at a certain time you could sit quietly and meditate on it at the time it is being given. Perhaps you need t...
