but you didn't

12 Things You Didn't Know About Romania | Travel Away女生來大姨媽都是這樣的……請關愛姨媽期間的女孩子, 無理取鬧只是因為她真的很不舒服,另外更要感謝一直忍耐包容的男生,辛苦你們啦! 圖片來源:http://cdn.gagbay.com/2014/10/girls_on_their_periods-506230.jpgOctober 24th 2013, 3:43 PM I’ve done my share of research on Romania and even learned quite a bit more when I spent 10 days there in September, but there were things listed here that I didn’t know and wish I had before my visit. Oh well, now I have even M...


Ten Things You Didn’t Know about Jehovah’s Witnesses. | Michigan Skeptics Association    現實總是殘酷的! 是太累了嗎?還打哈欠 Ten Things You Didn’t Know about Jehovah’s Witnesses. In the aftermath of several recent stories about Jehovah’s Witnesses, including the Candace Conti pedophilia court case and the DVD that launched the Sparlock Meme, I have been invited to do a series o...


10 things you probably didn’t know about the Dutch and the Netherlands :: Daily Candor 你有想過假如你今天的穿著比較清涼,那麼路上會有多少人盯著你的胸部看嗎?一般人可能察覺不到這樣的目光,畢竟直視女性的胸部這件事不慎禮貌,但是確實當你打扮得很火辣的時候,你可能會非常吸睛,不信的話你可以看看下面這位走在倫敦街頭的女性得到多少人的注目禮。 原來這是Nestlé Fitnes498 Comments » I find it very offending that when people know one dutch person theyn think they know them all. Like how people don’t know the difference between Holland and the Netherlands, well I don’t know about the person they asked by obviously they w...


Three Things You Didn't Know about the Main Reiki Symbols - Reiki Rays有沒有人想到怎麼破解?發表一下~~ A distance attunement will work whether you feel it or not. Many people don’t feel them. Perhaps if you know you are getting a distance attunement at a certain time you could sit quietly and meditate on it at the time it is being given. Perhaps you need t...
