Tan Son Nhut Air Base - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia其實我有很多很娘的玩具,多半是狗狗貓貓類的小東西,也許是內心深處渴望能養隻狗或貓,才如此的(小)瘋娘們玩物。寫專欄已經寫到了挖自己隱私的田地了,就讓你們笑吧~~!!! 【text & photo _ALIEN; edit_DEION; vusual_KIWA】 扭蛋 &nTan Son Nhat Air Base (Vietnamese: Căn cứ không quân Tân Sơn Nhất) (1955–1975) was a Republic of Vietnam Air Force (VNAF) facility. It is located near the city of Saigon in southern Vietnam. The United States used it as a major base during the Vietnam War...