日本最速FR Skyline零四通過末速312km h
Command & Conquer: Red Alert - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia▲雖然日本的改裝車很猛,但零四這種東西老美的經驗實在是太豐富,俗話說的好:「讀萬卷書不如行萬里路」,翹班出去看看吧!! 圖片來源:Web Option 由改裝老舖Escort製作的零四加速機器,具有美式風格彩繪的Skyline,是使用後輪驅動的Type-M為基礎所打造而成Command & Conquer: Red Alert is a real-time strategy computer game of the Command & Conquer franchise, produced by Westwood Studios and released by Virgin Interactive in 1996. The second game to bear the "C&C" title, Red Alert is the prequel to the ......