Convert char to int in C and C++ - Stack Overflow 霸道又愛撒嬌,有些女性特質可能讓你在女人圈裡受了不少白眼,然而某些“缺點”或許你並沒有必要完全改正,只要合理掌握表現方式,這些“缺點”不僅會讓你在女人中間收穫好人緣,輕鬆抓住男人的心,更有助於你自己的內心發展哦! 1、迷糊:&ldquHow do I convert a char to an int in C and C++? ... @Matt: I'm keeping the downvote. I'd strengthen it if possible! The question interpretation you and others have assumed is not meaningful, because it's too utterly trivial, and because for the OP's parti...