c++ - Convert an int to ascii character - Stack Overflow 照片中這小哥名叫Ayman Arafa。 今年17歲的他是達拉斯的一名大學僧,平日裡生活無憂無慮…… 然而,最近小哥的運氣也是有點衰… 不僅蝕財,還被人暴打一頓進了醫院。 這段衰衰的故事要從一條二手手機廣告說起&helint i=5; char c = 'A'-1 + i; // c is now 'E', the 5th letter. Note that because in C/Ascii, A is considered the 0th letter ... Note that because in C/Ascii, A is considered the 0th letter of the alphabet, I do a minus-1 to compensate for the normally unde...