c++ - Convert an int to ascii character - Stack Overflow 話說, 對於狡黠軟萌的喵星人,很多鏟屎官都巴心巴肝地哄着捧着,比親生的還親…… 但畢竟有物種之別,好多人都覺得遺憾—— 它怎麼就不是我生的呢?!好氣喔~~ 但國外一對戲精鏟屎官,還真就「生」了一隻貓寶寶…&hellipint i=5; char c = 'A'-1 + i; // c is now 'E', the 5th letter. Note that because in C/Ascii, A is considered the 0th letter ... Note that because in C/Ascii, A is considered the 0th letter of the alphabet, I do a minus-1 to compensate for the normally unde...