Convert char to int in C and C++ - Stack Overflow PART A 聽說奈良的鹿,敲可愛呢? 一談起日本奈良鹿 大家不約而同想到的 都是它們的可愛乖巧有禮貌 ▼ 餵它食物還會鞠躬表示感謝 不愧是日本的鹿 灰常有禮貌呢! ▼ 見了人還會禮貌地點頭鞠躬打招呼 格外地惹人疼愛How do I convert a char to an int in C and C++? ... @Matt: I'm keeping the downvote. I'd strengthen it if possible! The question interpretation you and others have assumed is not meaningful, because it's too utterly trivial, and because for the OP's parti...