c config msi

Config.Msi_百科春水堂好樣的.....基本資訊Config.msi文件夾是由Microsoft Installer (MSI,一個提供通用安裝介面的程序)生成的,一般在安裝Office 2000或者SQL Server後產生,該文件夾在磁碟中是隱藏的,在Windows的安裝過程中將產生返回腳本(rollback scriptS)以實現返回功能。在這些文件中 ......


C槽內有這個,是中毒嗎? - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 戴胺氛,滑鴿耳,漫帶馬廉,都找你拍廣告就好了啊!數一數二的集中托高效果! 1、Config.Msi : 無內容2、delautoC : 內容如下 - 固定式磁碟機2009/03/01 上午 02:51 autorun.inf D: - 固定式磁碟機2009/03/01 上午 02:51 autorun.inf3、RECYCLER(2) : 內容如下S-1-5-21-1123561945 ......


個人電腦問題:刪除可疑資料夾? - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 買三層送雙層,已經不夠看了!1.c:\Config.Msi\2.c:\FOUND.000\到 FOUND.034\總共36個空資料夾可以刪除嗎?疑似是病毒或木馬留下來的空資料夾,資料夾內容已被防毒軟體刪除,刪除這些空資料夾會影響電腦整體運作和效率嗎?謝謝~!!...


C:\Config.Msi tmp files? - Windows XP - TechTalkz.com Technology & Computer Troubleshooting Foru 原來這樣就可以擁有一張巴掌大的鵝蛋小臉,削骨玻尿酸都免了啊!C:\Config.Msi is a hidden folder on my XP notebook and it contains numerous tmp files. Can these be safely deleted? Thanks. Jeff ... They should be deleted automatically when a program installer has completed the installation; however, this doesn't al...


Error writing to file: C:\Config.Msi\ 故腦殘者無藥醫也 說的好!說的是啊!INSTALLMESSAGE_ERROR [Error 1310.Error writing to file: C:\Config.Msi\1479d14.rbf. Verify that you have access to that directory.] [8/13/2009, 15:30:28] (IronSpigot::MsiExternalUiHandler::UiHandler) Returning IDOK. INSTALLMESSAGE_ACTIONSTART ......


Answer : C:\Config.Msi\ = Error applying patch to file 這吐司,切下去,白刀子進,紅刀子出了!C:\Config.Msi\ = Error applying patch to file - answer - While updating Microsoft Office 2000 SR-1 Premium I have gotten the following errors: Error 1328. Error applying patch to file C:\Config.Msi\PT93.tmp. It has probably been updated by...
