Visual C#: Thread.Sleep vs. Task.Delay - TechNet Articles - United States (English) - TechNet Wiki (圖片擷取自橘子娛樂) 最近有個韓國妹子挺火,至於為啥,你一看圖就明白了: 呃...嗯...突然一下子詞窮了,妹子你這胸是腫麼了?作為一個女生,為啥我第一個反應不是羨慕而是害怕呢? 感覺跟她一比,林志玲、柳岩、李小璐都得靠邊站,這位韓國妹子最初是因為在ins上發照片才火的,不過這麼明顯Technical articles, content and resources for IT Professionals working in Microsoft technologies ... We can use both Thread.Sleep() and Task.Delay() to suspend the execution of a program (thread) for a given timespan. But are we actually suspending the ex...