Ctrl-C (Break key) for Mac? | MacRumors Forums廁所隔壁的鄰居~高中生 我家是住在公寓2摟,附近也都是公寓,所以說房子的建築都靠的相當近。沒錯...也是因為這樣隔音設備頗差...今天,我很意外的肚子想嗯嗯~當然是去了廁所...意外聽到隔壁女高中生的叫聲!!!.『吼~~為什麼到現在我的衣服都還沒有洗...!!』.他老爸『?!!』了一聲..Hello. I just recently started using a Mac and I have a simple question I couldn't find over the net. How do I send the break key in Mac? For... ... control-c in MAC terminal new to MAC, had the question in the title, searched google, wound up on this pag...