[Solved] How to get IP address of responsed url in C# - CodeProject 只有小編覺得有點浪漫嗎XD 可惜我沒有哥哥出賣我啊!!!! 想知道part2劇情 =///= ---------------------------------Dcard原文:出賣妹妹之哥哥好壞ㄝ…昨天去逛夜市,我帶妹妹一起去妹妹才22歲夜市人很多,妹妹逛到I used payment gateway in my site.I want to allow just some IP for storing data, so I want to get responsed url ip address for security.I want to get IP Address of responsed url. When I come back to my site from gateway I want to check responsed IP addres...