和女友通話中突然講話怪怪的 網友po「綠光」經歷字字血淚!
Chords In The Key Of C - Guitar Chords - Diagrams | Scales | ...不過小妹在這裡奉勸大家謹慎點,因為內文有滿滿的洋蔥啊啊啊QAQ原PO 女生講什麼字眼或什麼樣的表情 會讓你興奮 一直鵝~鵝~鵝鵝~鵝~~到底會很無聊嗎 雖然常常看西施版 但要我講那種哥哥你好棒我好舒服這種 想想都覺得會笑場........... ID為srwcc的鄉民為了給原PO科普女生在興奮時會胡Find chords belonging to the key of C major. Including triads and common chord extensions ... The chord chart below lists all the common triads and four note extended chords belonging to the key of C major. Roman numerals indicate each chord's position .....