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C mount - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 法國流行腕錶品牌Wize&Ope自從與美國饒舌歌手小韋恩Lil Wayne攜手合作後,可說是徹底打響 Wize&Ope x Lil Wayne 聯名系列。承襲Lil Wayne硬派美式嘻哈風格,混搭Wize&Ope法式潮流風味,將玩味的錶款元素呈現在這次Wize&Ope WAX街頭限定款。 WizA C mount is a type of lens mount commonly found on 16mm movie cameras, closed-circuit television cameras, machine vision cameras and microscope phototubes. C-mount lenses provide a male thread which mates with a female thread on the camera. The thread is...