男友當兵變「陰間人」讓她忍痛兵變… 鄉民超中肯回文力挺被推爆!
C mount - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 圖片來源 原PO: 當兵準則一:別人遇到困難肯定是別人能力不足, 不然怪我囉?既然不用怪我,那所以肯定是你錯嘛! 對正在當兵的人而言,這邏輯是非常合理的。當兵準則二:只有自己最操,其他人都過太爽。當兵準則三:承二,既然自己最操,所以如果有人跟自己抱怨他很操 一定要鬥他!鬥到他垮,鬥到他臭,鬥到他心A C mount is a type of lens mount commonly found on 16mm movie cameras, closed-circuit television cameras, machine vision cameras and microscope phototubes. C-mount lenses provide a male thread which mates with a female thread on the camera. The thread is...