貼身直擊!5點分析時尚大叔Nick Wooster穿搭訣竅
C pointer to array/array of pointers disambiguation - Stack Overflow彷彿不可思議般,那個總是在Facebook和Instagram上受到粉絲瘋狂追蹤的Nick Wooster,那個被稱為全世界最會穿的時尚大叔,他為了Suit Walk來到了和他所居住的紐約有著12小時時差的台灣,和500位正裝紳士一齊現身台北信義區、一齊Suit Walk,相信這經典畫面不論過了多久The answer for the last two can also be deducted from the golden rule in C: Declaration follows use. int (*arr2)[8]; What happens if you dereference arr2? You get an array of 8 integers. int *(arr3[8]); What happens if you take an element from arr3? You g...