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GuideStar nonprofit reports and Forms 990 for donors, grantmakers, and businesses這是怎麼做到的...@@ GuideStar connects donors and grantmakers to non-profit organizations. ... Whether you're part of a nonprofit—or researching one to donate to—GuideStar will help you compare nonprofits in an easy, transparent way....


Return On Investment (ROI) Definition | Investopedia 一年又要過去,回首今年的種種好像有許多荒唐,政局也好工作也好愛情也好,歷經了風風雨雨,最後我們都該慶幸順利的過完這年。由oddstuff雜誌選出2012年最受網友歡迎的作品,當中有許多精彩的攝影,相信到目前為止您肯定記憶猶存,現在就讓我們一同回顧。 首圖這幅作品感動了不少美國網友:John和他的1DEFINITION of 'Return On Investment - ROI' A performance measure used to evaluate the efficiency of an investment or to compare the efficiency of a number of different ... a. discount rate.b. 90-day Treasury bill rate.c. five-year Treasury note rate.d. fe...
