c set bit

Bit Twiddling Hacks - Computer Graphics at Stanford University偷吃蛋!! 別以為這樣偽裝,就可以蒙混過去!!About the operation counting methodology When totaling the number of operations for algorithms here, any C operator is counted as one operation. Intermediate assignments, which need not be written to RAM, are not counted. Of course, this operation countin...


64-bit computing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia夾娃娃機In computer architecture, 64-bit computing is the use of processors that have datapath widths, integer size, and memory addresses widths of 64 bits (eight octets). Also, 64-bit CPU and ALU architectures are those that are based on registers, address buses...


ASCII - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia   他們是怎麼進去的?ASCII (i/ˈæski/ ASS-kee), abbreviated from American Standard Code for Information Interchange,[1] is a character-encoding scheme. Originally based on the English alphabet, it encodes 128 specified characters into 7-bit binary integers as shown by the ASCI...
